Get Ripe!.. in 3D!

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So we've been working hard over at Akinetics, and we want to share that with you.  If you want free stuff shirts, tank tops, stickers maybe a deck or something.  Shoot us an e-mail, call us, follow us on twitter, myspace us, facebook us anything at all. all the links are up on this blog.

But if you want a free shirt, heres all you have to do.

-get a hold of us.

- come to the work shop.

-put a sticker on your car!!

Heres the catch... what ever size sticker you put on it is what you get  if you put on one our 2x2 stickers you get a shirt with a 2x2 logo on it but if you wanna be real cool like us, you put on either a 13x12 or 10x10 and you get a free shirt, free sticker pack, free bandana or  what ever other cool stuff we have laying around, and I'll put you up on the site for every one to see.

so in short...

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