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Oh you like hats?

alright so I've been super busy lately.. mostly drunk since it was my 21st birthday on the 31st.

but that doesn't mean Adrian(twitter.. follow him)  hasn't been working.  We have all of our screens made, the shirts are ready for printing. 

The online store is going to be up in a few days or by the start of next week, we will only be taking paypal (which pretty much means any credit card ) or if you want to pay in cash you can get a hold of one of us.

Felipe                Adrian               Albert

anyways i've been working on some hats.. going for the retro look they'll be out soon. this one will most likely go into production in a week or two.. New Era 59fifty hats, we haven't decided on the colors, but black/white is going to be made for sure, so thats what i put up...

anyways thats most of what's been going on

- Felipe 

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